Gary Brookes
Operations Director
From field to fizz… I look after our end-to-end supply chain
I always wanted to be a Professional Footballer but, in hindsight, was never good enough. Instead, I started my career in Finance and qualified as a Management Accountant before moving into Operations. I am passionate about building and leading high performing teams and coaching individuals to help them to maximise their potential.
My vision for Nichols’s future
When I tell people where I work, most people reply with ‘I love Vimto, I buy a bottle every week!’.... I look forward to being part of a team that grows Vimto into an even bigger brand than it is today whilst also developing the other brands in our portfolio.
What has been your experience working as part of Nichols / what makes it different/unique?
I’ve only recently joined Nichols but already I have been made to feel so welcome by everyone, it feels like I’ve been here for years.

Nichols beverage of choice
Has to be Vimto original – whilst at Uni, I lived with a Mancunian lad called John Flaherty who kept his bottle of Vimto original under lock and key in his room. One weekend, when John went home, we broke into his room and drank it (and played on his drum kit).
Life outside work is family, football and food. I’ve been happily married to Hurricane Jacqueline for 21 years and have two lovely children, Kieran (22) and Jess (19). My great passion in life is football – I coach a non-league team in Liverpool which takes up a lot of my spare time, but I also like to play Veterans football and watch Liverpool FC when I can. I am a keen but very average cook – my speciality is the family Sunday Roast which I cook religiously each week.
Life before Nichols:
I have worked in FMCG since 1995 but this is my first time in soft drinks. Prior to Nichols, I worked for Jacobs Biscuits and Pataks Indian Foods in Finance and Operational roles. For the last 15 years, I worked for Associated British Foods across a number of their businesses, including a spell managing a site in Poland.
First-ever job:
I worked in a Fruit & Veg shop in Liverpool when I was 14. My job was to carry 25kg bags of potatoes home for anyone who bought one (and lots of people did!)….I think the Owner worked out I was a cheaper option than buying a Van!